Erciyes vulkano in Turkey
Jeszcie niedlugo temu niewiedzialem zie w turcii
istnieje snowkite i w sumie niewiedzialem o turcii vogule nic. To sie
zmienilo po tym co mie zaprosily z Chastafamily i Pascalem na pokazy
snowkitingu. Pierwszi dzien rano sie okazuje zie pada sznieg i jest
wszendzie mgla. To nieprzeszkadzalo zieby szmi sprubovali turecky sznieg
i wiatrz po godzince delikatnego freeride w whiteblind szmi dali pyszny
obiadek i zdrzemke niestety w ten dzien jusz szmi niepojezdzily
zakonczili szmie go tureckym lokal drinkem .
Drugy dzien z rana
jest mgla, ale jusz czasami widacz vulkan jak pokazuje svoja mystyczna
gurke ide na szniadanie i poczekami co sie bendzie dzialo . po
szniadaniu sie okazuje zie chasta jusz dziszaj byl na vulkanie sam
pokazuje zdjencia i muwi chlopaki na gurze jest slonce jedziemi w gure .
od hotelu kopiujemi wyciong w mgle zie prawie kita niewidacz ale po
20min sie konczi white blind i otwiera sie mystyczna miescowoszcz w
szrodku wulkanu .pierwszy kdo nas prziwital byl orzel ktory latal z
naszimi latawcami okolo krawendzi wulkanu wyglondal na to zieby
hentnie pogadal z tymi latajoncymi dziewczinkamy od fimy ozone po pare
zdjencziach w szrodku vulkanu szmi pojechaly w dul na obiadek.
Druga sessijka tego dnia odbyla sie naprzecziwko
gluwnego vulkanu kdzie jest durzo miesca dla wsziskich od biginerow po
profi ridery i každý tam znajdzie swoj rodzaj bialej fali i mnuzstwo
kikerow na wszistkie strony.
Trzeczi dzien byl ve znaku freestyle i
pokazach pod hotelem jak zvykle jesteszmi z chasta jak zip old school ja
newschoole idealny zestaw na pokazy dla ludzi do tego herbata i kebab
na stoku w rytmach tureckiego hip hopu. Wiatrz dalej sie niechczial
odkrenczicz tak zieby sie dalo pojezdzicz w szrodku wulkanu to szmi
pojechali naprzecziwko z kilka tureckými riderami i pokazali szmi jak
jezdzi snowkitemasterszi freeride
Mysle zie to byl jeden z
mojichch najpienknieszych wyjazdow na snowkite w zicziu .Mam nadzieje
zie jeszczie wruce do tych okolic i pojezdzie sobie z liskami i orzlami
po tureckych volkanach . dzienkuje Murat „turkisz ozone“ za super
Mystic volkano in turkey
Ještě nedavno jsem nevedel ze v turecku existuje snowkite a vlasten
jsem o turecku nevedel vůbec nic .to se zmenilo když me pozvali z chasta
family a Pascalem na snowkite exhibici .
První den rano se ukazuje
ze pada snih a vsude je mlha. To nam nevadilo abychom nevyzkoušeli
turecky snih a vitr. Po hodince delikátního freeride v mlze jsme si dali
obed a lehky spanek po zdlouhave ceste .
Druhy den rano je porat
mlha ale obcas uz se dalo zahlednout část vulkanu .Po snidani se ukazuje
ze Chasta uz dneska byl na sopce a ukazuje nam fotky a říká chlapci
jedem nahoru tam je slunce a vitr .
Od hotelu kopirujeme vlek v
takove mlze ze nejde videt draka ale za 20min konci bila slepota a
otvira se mysticke místo uprostřed vulkanu .prvni kdo nas privital byl
orel který lital z našimi kity kolem hrany vulkanu . vypadal na to ze by
rad poflirtoval z temi letajicima holkama od firmy Ozone .
session toho dne byla naproti hlavnimu vulkanu kde je hodne mista pro
zacatecniky i pokrocile ,každý si tady najde rovinku nebo jeden z 1000
zlabu ve kterých je kupa cersveho prasanu který ceka jen na vas .
Treti den byl planu freestyle a ukazky snowkitingu před hotelem a 2000
početnym publikem .tady bylo videt ze jsme z Chastou jako zip on
predvadi chasta odschole style a ja newschole freestyle proste idealni
team na show pro lidi do toho caj a kebab na sjezdovce v rytmech
tureckého hiphopu .
Vitr se ten den nechtel otocit tak abychom mohli
natočit další část uprostřed sopky tak jsem vzali několik tureckych
rideru a jeli jsem jim ukazat jak jezdi freeride world snowkitemasters .
Myslim ze to byl jeden z nejhezčích snowkite tripu na kterých jsem kdy
byl , doufam ze se ještě vratim do těchto mist a pojezdim si z orly a
liškami .
Diky tureckemu Ozone Muratovy za nejhezčí narozeniny v mem zivote
Erciyes vulkano in Turkey
Not so long ago I had no idea that snowkiting existed in Turkey, to be
honest, I had a vague idea about Turkey in general. That changed after I
got invited by the Chasta family and Pascal to a snowkiting show there.
On the morning of the first day it was snowing and there was fog
everywhere, but that didn’t stop us from trying out the Turkish snow and
wind. After an hour or so of soft freeriding in ‘white blind’ we had a
delicious lunch and a nap. Unfortunately on that day we didn’t get a
chance to ride again so we finished the day off with a local Turkish
On the Morning of the second day there was fog but at
times I was able to see the volcano’s mystic peak so I decided to have
breakfast and see what was going to happen next. After breakfast it
turned out that Chasta had already been that morning on the volcano and
was showing us some photos. He said that higher up it was sunny, so we
decided to go higher and straight from the hotel we made our way up. It
was so foggy that we could hardly see our kites, but after 20 minutes we
got out of the fog and a mystical place opened up before us. The first
to greet us was an eagle which kept flying around our kites at the edge
of the volcano. He looked like he’d like to have a talk with our flying
Ozone babes After taking a couple of photos inside the volcano we rode back down for lunch.
The second session that day took place in front of the main volcano
where there is a lot of space for everyone from beginners to pros and
anyone can find their kind of white wave with kickers in all possible
The third and final day was marked by freestyle and
a show right next to the hotel. As usual Chasta and me worked together
like a zip, he was doing old school and I did new school tricks, a
perfect set for a show. That plus he hot tea and a kebab on the slope to
the rhythm of Turkish hip-hop turned out to be the perfect combination.
The wind didn’t want to turn in order to let us ride inside the volcano
so we went against a couple of Turkish riders and showed them how the
snowkite masters do freeride.
All in all I think this was one
of the most beautiful snowkite trips in my life. I hope I’ll have a
chance to come back to these regions and ride around with eagles and
foxes on the Turkish volcano. And a massive thanks to Murat “Turkish
Ozone” chasta family and Pascal for a great birthday!
mystic volkano Erciyes in Tukey
Posted by Marek Murphy Zach at 13:57
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